Thursday, August 13, 2009

New Baby Kit

Many people have their own version of a new baby kit.
Here are some of the items I put in the last one I did:
  • A clock - "Time is going to fly. Remember to cherish every moment."
  • A Teddy Bear with a heart beat sound - "Your baby is going to miss hearing your heartbeat just as much as you will miss hearing your baby’s."
  • Burp Cloths and a Ponch -"Babies make a lot of messes. Need we say more?"
  • Disposable Washcloths - "Who has time to take a shower? Wash cloths with the soap built in…who says they are just for baby?"
  • Paper plates and plastic silverware -"Who wants to do dishes after a baby is born?"
  • Box of Tissues - "To wipe baby tears and mommy tears."
  • A Piggy Bank with a few cents in it - "Here is the start of your baby’s college fund."
  • Eraser - "This is to help you remember that all moms make mistakes."
  • Infant Tylenol - "It is amazing how giving your baby medicine helps with your own headache."A pair of googly eyes - "Your own set of eyes for the back of your head."
  • Gas Drops - "One of the best things about having a baby is that you have someone to blame “stuff” on."
  • A Mirror - "To help you remember to take care of yourself too."
  • Marbles - "To replace the ones you will lose."
Do you have any other ideas for a new baby kit?


  1. Hair dye- cause we all know who makes your hair turn grey.

  2. Flannel swaddling blankets--the most mutlipurpose and useful item for a baby!
