Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A little bit of navel gazing

Me and my son, Micah.
My name is Krista and I am crazy sister number 2. I was born on a dark and stormy night. Because of this I have always been sort of a serious character. Now that my four gorgeous, intelligent children are busy with school all day, I have decided to have a second childhood, and spend lots of my time cutting things out with scissors. I am a free-lance artist and designer of ridiculous pretty things. I love altered art collage/assemblage work. My artistic style consists of taking things that are mostly useless and making them more than the sum of their parts. I love upcycling vintage books and odds and ends. Lately I have been having a lot of fun making things out of old wool sweaters that I felt and then sew into useful things like handbags and baby shoes. More often than not though, I make things with absolutely no use, like felt food. My partner in crime Shelly and I hold court at a local flea market, where we flog our wares. My brilliant daughter, Mallory has been helping me make a website to showcase some of my work, which will eventually be at this link here. Soon, I will be adding collage pages that are fun to use with your altered art or scrapbooking. I also have a personal blog , where I like to post things I have made, recount the drama of the flea market and other artsy things. My gifting style tends to lean toward the personal- I am very sentimental, and really believe that something handmade is worth more than something you buy in a store. Not everyone agrees with this, but they get my handmade stuff anyway. You can see my contributions to this excellent blog here. Feel free to email me with your questions, or other feedback. 
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly: what is essential is invisible to the eye." ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery 
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