Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Making Memories

One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is a great memory or moment to cherish. It is a gift that lasts a lifetime. One of my favorite sayings is "It doesn't matter who you are, it only matters who your children remember you are." This is something I try to live by. I want my kids to have wonderful memories of their childhood. I spend a lot of time planning parties and creating family traditions, because I want them to love their childhood and the moments we share as a family. I think many of my posts will be about creating the gift of memories.

I love making something special out of the ordinary. When my children get a little older I am excited to create special memories from something as simple as breakfast. At A Bushel and a Peck I found this fun idea for Breakfast Sundaes. What a fun way to serve cereal, yogurt, and bananas.

Create a special memory with someone you love.

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1 comment:

  1. Love that saying!! Oh so true and what a great idea to serve up breakfast in a special way.
