Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Lotta Stenciling!

When I think of stenciling, kitchens filled with bright borders of watermellons and baskets filled with flowers comes to mind. 

I was doing some research on tablerunners (since I hate my kitchen table and it is in need of a serious makeover) and came across one that I loved.


I decided it was too expensive to purchase so I would try to make it myself. I couldn't figure out how to get that image on the end, so I started out with fabric thinking I could applique it on. Woe is my sewing skills. It was a nightmare. So I did more research about the designer, Lotta Jansdotter, and found that she stencils, alot!

The lightbulb went off and I was inspired! So I tried to make my own stencil and here is how it turned out:

My stencil is smaller because I had only an 8.5X11 page to work with. But I am still happy with how it turned out. I liked it so much and I had some extra fabric left over I decided to make a matching pillow for my couch which is just several feet away from the table:

Since I had my stencil designed already, this pillow took me about two hours from start to finish. Not bad! So I started looking around for other things to stencil. I tried stenciling a plate and a bar stool but the design I used was a little too detailed and they didn't turn out very well. I think since I am a beginner I need a simpler design. But there are so many things you can stencil and use as gifts. 

Tote bags, journals, cards, purses, bookbags, shirts, you name it, you can probably stencil on it.

These are all designs by Lotta Jansdotter. For a tutorial on how to stencil, you can use this one that I used here. But there are many out there.

If you do try this out I would love to see how your projects turned out. Happy stenciling!

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1 comment:

  1. I love how your style is so different from mine, Aimee- these are really cool, I would never think to stencil such simple elegant shapes!
