Monday, November 2, 2009

Thanksgiving gifts

 Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I found some cute Thanksgiving gifts that you can hand out to friends or family that come for dinner or show up unexpectedly at your door.

These cute Turkey Truffles are from The Swiss Colony.  I thought they would be easy to make yourself with some store bought truffles, candy corn, and tube frosting.

 I made these little Thanksgiving Blessing Mixes last year.  They were a big hit!  I was able to make a lot of them in a short amount of time.  

These are the least expensive gift I made.  Who doesn't like curling up with a warm cup of cider on a cold November night?  Enjoy!

If you enjoyed this post Subscribe to One of a Kind Gifts here!

1 comment:

  1. Great site , i may have to try out the Turkey Truffles and the Spiced cider for this Thanksgiving.

