Friday, July 20, 2012

Scripture Journaling: Sketch Notes Style

I am always looking for new ways to journal my scripture studies and I came across a cool style that is used in sketch notes. Here is my inspiration page:

via Yahni in London
Its a way of taking notes that is very visual. The idea is to use a lot of pictures and less words to get a point across. Since I have so many words that I don't want to leave out, I chose instead to use the layout ideas to enhance the look of my scripture journal pages. I started with the idea of using a gray marker to shadow words and dashes. What a difference it made! That is now a standard thing I do on all my pages.

1 Nephi Ch. 12
1 Nephi Ch. 12

I also like the look of the dashes and the labels. I also tried to incorporate more visual images, small icons and pictures. It has made a fun different look to what could have been some very boring pages.

1 Nephi Ch. 5
I've never been a fan of my handwriting but this has been good practice at making it better. I still have a long way to go but I its fun learning different techniques. I hope this inspires you to get a little more creative with your journaling. Enjoy!

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  1. Love! I hadn't thought of actually cutting out pictures and pasting them in. Very cool.

    Inklings @

  2. Found you on pinterest. Your journals inspire me! What treasures - so personal, visual,... love it!

  3. Thank you so much! I do treasure them and plan to give them to my children someday so I can still teach them even when I am gone. It is my favorite thing to do that has enhanced my scripture study.

  4. I cannot find you on Pinterest, can you help me out? all i can find are what others have pinned from your site. what should i type in to look for you?

  5. Hi Thanks for your interest in following me on pinterest! My profile is I will add a link to the homepage too. Enjoy!

  6. aimee - I juat cannot figure out the downloading program, I have been trying to get the journalling freebie but with no luck..... d

    1. Hmm thank you for alerting me to this problem. I am having issues with my computer right now so it may take some time but I will try to figure out why this isn't working.


    2. Ok I think I fixed it. GIve it a try for me and if you have any other problems just let me know.


  7. I'm coming late to this post, but found it linked on Pinterest. While I'm not Christian, I've been putting of journaling my own spiritual journey, complete with both practical and existential wisdom from those who've come before me. Though you've criticized your handwriting, I think it comes across quite nicely, and the addition of color, imagery, and variation in layout make it something I'd want to read again and again. Thank you for sharing this, it's inspired me to not put off this very important form of keeping my path close to my daily life.

    Be well!

  8. Any recommendations on handwriting improvement? I think yours is adorable!

    1. Wow thank you so much! Honestly, I find the more I practice the better it is getting. And I do a lot of tracing in all honesty. Not so much on this page on this post, but I like to print out a phrase or word in a cute font and then I trace it on my little light box. There are also journaling handwriting lessons on the internet that you can pay for but I'm not sure if they are worth the money. Hope that helps!

  9. I was browsing the internet looking for some new scripture study ideas, and I happened upon your site. I was excited to see you are LDS also and your study ideas could be used in my studies. Then I noticed your names, and I was almost in shock. My name is also spelled with an accent mark! What are the chances? Thanks for sharing the info!!! Love your name ;)

  10. This is really fantastic. You are quite fantastic. I'm very visual as a learner and this is wonderful.

  11. I love this idea. However I am not near as artistic as you. Nice ideas

  12. Nice ideas, Thank you for sharing

  13. i wish you could just post all your journal pages. lol. i'm terrible at journaling but if i ever could do it i'd want it to look like this.

  14. Thank you all so much! I will continue to post journal pages for inspiration when I have some more time. You all make me feel very special!
