Showing posts with label mother's day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mother's day. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mother's Day gift ideas

 I was hopping around some of my favorite blogs and found some of the cutest Mother's day gift ideas.

Mother’s Day Coupon Book
To: ________________________________
From: ________________________________
Mother’s Day Coupon
This coupon entitles the bearer to the following:
With love from: ______________________________
Mom, turn in this coupon to receive your gift.
No expiration date.
Mother’s Day Coupon
This coupon entitles the bearer to the following:
With love from: ______________________________
Mom, turn in this coupon to receive your gift.
No expiration date.
Mother’s Day Coupon
This coupon entitles the bearer to the following:
With love from: ______________________________
Mom, turn in this coupon to receive your gift.
No expiration date.
Mother’s Day Coupon
This coupon entitles the bearer to the following:
With love from: ______________________________
Mom, turn in this coupon to receive your gift.
No expiration date.
Mother’s Day Coupon
This coupon entitles the bearer to the following:
With love from: ______________________________
Mom, turn in this coupon to receive your gift.
No expiration date.
 I found these and other great projects at these blog sites:

 Happy blog hopping!

If you enjoyed this post Subscribe to One of a Kind Gifts here!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Cd photo cube

Maybe the rest of you already know about this project, but when I found it, I was ready to make hundreds.  I LOVE this!  It is a culmination of all the elements that I love in my life...Family, pictures, crafts, organization, paper, doodads, recycling, trash to treasure, low cost gifts, you name it.  All wrapped up in a thing called a CD PHOTO CUBE.  I got the idea from a blog called "Paper Jewels".


On her blog, she has a video tutorial that explains exactly how to make these little pieces of happiness.  She also has a gallery of ones that others have made.  I have been saving CD cases forever and now have a great way to use, display and give them as nice gifts.  If you decide to make one, please post it for all of us to see.

If you enjoyed this post Subscribe to One of a Kind Gifts here!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Totally Terrific Tins!!

   A good friend of mine made these cute little tins for all of her friends for Christmas this year.  They fit perfectly in your purse and keep the pad of paper from getting destroyed.  She bought the pads of paper, the pens, and magnets all from the dollar store and covered them with scrapbook paper.  The tin and small envelopes were bought from Michael's.  She covered the top of the tin with scrapbook paper and added the persons name in chipboard.  I think they turned out really cute!  Here are a few more tin ideas...                                                                                                                                                                              


  If you enjoyed this post Subscribe to One of a Kind Gifts here!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Trash to Treasure

 I love making great gifts out of things I already have!  A good friend of mine sent me this link and I love it.  With some "garbage" (There is no such thing as GARBAGE, right Krista!) and some left over scrapbook supplies, you can have a fast, easy gift.  The end project is so cute and who doesn't have old toilet paper rolls in their garbage cans.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Daddy's Treasure Box

This is a really easy gift to make for Father's Day. Decorate a box to hold Daddy's "Treasures" ...all the little gifts and cards and pictures he gets from his kids. You know those presents that are too precious to throw away, but hard to find a place for? If your kids are old enough they will have a great time helping decorate it.
I mean, who can throw away a cut out heart with pom poms glued on it?
You can make one for grandparents and moms too.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Grandparent's Day 22 Days Away

Write a letter from your children to their grandma or grandpa. Or if your children are old enough, have them do it themselves. Title it "Thanks for being my mom's mom" or "Thanks for being our dad's dad", etc. List all the reasons to be thankful for them.

Here's an example of what I did for my mom on Mother's Day this year:

Thank you for being our Mom’s Mom

Thank you for the love that you gave our mother.
Thank you for teaching our mother to be strong.
Thank you for giving our mother a childhood filled with using her imagination.
Thank you for teaching our mother the value of hard work.
Thank you for helping our mother to be grateful for all she has.
Thank you for teaching our mother about sacrifice.
Thank you for showing our mother patience.
Thank you for the many nights spent kneeling in prayer on our mother’s behalf.
Thank you for teaching our mother the importance of family dinners together.
Thank you for instilling in our mother the love of our family’s past.
Thank you for sharing with our mother your many special family traditions.
And Thank you for all your motherly advice.
All of these things have helped our mother to be the mom she is to us.

Love your little grandsons,
Taye and Grayson

I gave her this letter with a picture of her with each of my boys.

What are the reasons you are thankful for your parents or grandparents?
Now is the time to let me know.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The True Story of the Best Gift Ever Given

My goal in giving a gift is to make the recipient cry. I know it sounds bad, but I am talking about a good cry. A gift that touches the person so much it brings them to tears. For Mother's Day this year I succeeded.

I purchased this book from Amazon:
An Hour to Live, an Hour to Love: The True Story of the Best Gift Ever Given by Richard and Kristine Carlson

From Publishers Weekly
On their 18th wedding anniversary, in 2003, Richard Carlson (author of the bestselling Don't Sweat the Small Stuff) presented his wife, Kristine, with a short manuscript called An Hour to Live. He imagines he has an hour to live and poses questions originally asked by spiritual guide and author Stephen Levine: whom would you call? what would you say? and why are you waiting? Uncannily, the text foreshadowed Carlson's death three years later, at age 45, of a pulmonary embolism. Though he had no chance to make that last phone call, his wife (and the reader) already knows his feelings for her and their children. We also know what was important to him, which boils down to the old chestnut: no one, on their deathbed, ever wishes they'd spent more time at the office.

"An Hour to Live, an Hour to Love is a genuine love story and a moving reminder that in the midst of our busyness, our lives revolve around a few irreplaceable human beings. Reading these poignant pages made me stop in my tracks, hug my husband, call my daughter, and pet my cat." -- Victoria Moran, author of Creating a Charmed Life

So I took on Richard's challenge. I wrote my mom a letter telling her everything that I would want her to know if I knew I would never have the chance again to tell her. I gave her the letter and book for Mother's Day and loved the feeling of sharing my thoughts with her.

If you had one hour to live and could make just one phone call, who would you call? What would you say? And why are you waiting?

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